
Please submit the necessary documents where required: For Sdn Bhd, Sole Proprietor or Partnership - SSM


I/We, hereby register as a new Customer / apply to you for the grant of credit facilities to us on the following Terms and Conditions:

1. All payments shall be in Ringgit Malaysia (RM), unless otherwise indicated and payment by cheque is to be crossed and made payable to “Global Coffee Resources Sdn Bhd” (the Seller)
2. Upon any amount being outstanding or overdue the invoice(s), interest at the rate of 1.5% per month shall be chargeable thereon, being a genuine pre-estimate of the loss to the Seller arising from the customer’s breach of contract in delaying payment which is due to the Seller. Any prior waiver or indulgence by the Seller in not invoking this clause in respect of previous invoice (s) shall not affect any of its rights, which is now hereby reserved, to exercise this clause in respect of any future invoice (s).
3. Property and title in all goods comprised in this invoice shall remain in the Seller until full payment of the purchase price in the said goods, including any interest thereon for late payment.
4. In the event that any claims, demand actions or legal proceedings are taken against the Customer to recover any default in payment or breach of the terms and conditions in this contract, the Customer hereby irrevocably and unconditionally undertakes to indemnify the Seller indemnified fully and completely against all expenses, legal costs, and disbursement in incurred thereby as between solicitor and client including all other damages and losses suffered by the Seller on indemnity basis.
5. Any notice, judgment, legal document or any other document required to be served on the Customer shall:
- In the case of a Customer who is an individual, be deemed to have properly served. If served either personally and/or by A.R. Registered Mail, and
- In the case of a Customer who is a business or an incorporated company, be deemed to have properly served, if a copy of the document is left at its registered address and/or business address.
6. The Customer hereby warrants that any employee, agent, representative or any person who signs the invoice(s), the said employee, agent, representative or person is deemed to be duly authorized to sign for and on behalf of the Customer and that signature shall be effective as to bind the Customer to the terms and conditions stated herein.
7. Upon the Customer signing below, the signature or the Customer shall be conclusive evidence as against the Customer of the following:
- That the goods were inspected by the Customer and found to be in good order and condition and in the merchandise quality fit for the purpose(s);
- That the Customer has read and fully understood all of Clauses 1 to 7 (b) (inclusive)

Person who submit this application form confirms that The information provided is true and correct The applicant or any of the director of the company is not insolvent, and uncharged bankrupt and there are no outstanding judgements the applicant or any of the director of the company.